Lightest Weight Sinatra App Template for Heroku Deployment

I prefer use Sinatra to make simple web app rather than Ruby on Rails. And I like using Heroku when I wanna check simply how its going on.

So I made a simplest Sinatra app to deploy the app as soon as possible. You can clone the reporitory and deploy it soon.

Lightest Sinatra App for Heroku

I made two versions, one is using database by PostgreSQL, and another is not using one. If you do not have to use database on Heroku, please checkout light branch.

If you want to use database, please use master branch and do not forget runnning command below to add PostgreSQL addon for heroku.

$ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql

And please edit migrate file to change the scheme of the table, or just remake the migration file. After finishing to edit the migration file, please run command below:

$ heroku run rake db:migrate

Please let you see README file for detailed usage.

If you find any bug or ideas, shoot me a message to my twitter account (@totzyuta) or create an issue on the repository page.

Thank you.